Buddhism has shown an ability to easily blend in and adapt to any culture. It's message is one that is appealing to everyone and can easily be followed.|||Its not a religion its actually a Philosphy|||By the number of followers, Christianity is the universal religion.
By the way to salvation, Christianity is the universal religion because it is a gift of God by Grace through Jesus. All you have to do to receive salvation is to repent and receive Him. It is 100% your choice. The ticket to Heaven is already in your hand purchased by His blood. All you have to do is to choose to use it to leave hell behind.
By vision, Christianity is the universal religion for its vision is "world peace" (Luke 2:14).
The theme of the Bible is that ALL NATIONS ON EARTH SHALL BE BLESSED THROUGH JESUS, the Seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Genesis 12:1-3, 18:18, 22:18, Isaiah 49:6, Acts 3:25-26, Romans 1:13, Gal 3:14, etc).
Magi of Eastern Religions worshiped Jesus, a world religious reconciliation.
Jesus says that He has religious followers not of Judaism He is bringing together (John 10:16).
Buddha Gautama worshiped Dhamma (the Truth), the way to immortality as in its scripture Dhamma-pada. Jesus proclaims Himself as Dhamma (John 14:6).
Confucius worshiped Dao (the Way), also known as ShangDi or the Heaven. Jesus proclaimed Himself as Dao (John 14:6).
No one has seen God (the Father). Jesus is God In Person. Thus, He was Jesus the LORD who appeared to Abraham in Genesis 18. Jesus the LORD was one of the 3 persons visiting and dining with Abraham. Jesus the LORD also walked with Abraham and chatted with Abraham.
Check out the verses. In Hindu scriptures only through the saccrificed Purusa (meaning the Person) can you have immortality. Purusa is the supreme God Prajapati who created the heavens and the earth (Yajur Veda 31:18, Svetasvataropanisad 3:8, Rg Veda 10:90:6).
While Islam imams teach that salvation is by the five pillars, they are teaching against Allah. According to the Quran, salvation is only by Grace. Quran 19:87, 17:110 25:59-60, 43:45, 20:108-109, 19:18-21 proclaim that salvation is only through the Grace of God (Rahmanullah or Allah Ar-Rahman). “None shall have the power of intercession, but such a one as has received permission (or promise) from Ar-Rahman” (Quran 19:87). “And question thou our apostles (of Jesus) whom We sent before thee; did We appoint any deities other than Ar-Rahman, to be worshipped?” (Quran 43:45). The Quran calls out Ar-Rahman most in Quran chapter 19 titled “Mary” the mother of Jesus.
The Bible proclaims that we are saved by Rahman (Grace) through Jesus, not by our own works but as a gift, and transformed by Rahim (Mercy) through the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:4-8 NKJV, Eph 2:7-8). Truth and Rahman came through Jesus (John 1:17). Jesus is Ar-Rahman, and the Holy Spirit is Ar-Rahim. The Quran agrees with the Bible that intercession or salvation comes only through Jesus Ar-Rahman. We pray in the name of one Allah: the Father, the Most Gracious Son Jesus, and the Most Merciful Holy Spirit. Thus, according to the Quran and the Bible, salvation is only through Jesus.
But who is Allah rRahman historically? “This formula – Bimillahi rrahmani rraheem – is of Jewish origin. It was in the first instance taught to the Koreish by Omayah of Taief the poet (one of the Hanyfs, Sprenger, i.76) who was a contemporary with, but somewhat older than, Muhammad, and who, during his mercantile journeys into Arabia Petraea and Syria, had made himself acquainted with the sacred books and doctrines of Jews and Christians (Kitab al-Aghani, 16, Delhi). Muhammad adopted and constantly used it, and it is prefixed to each Sura except the ninth” (1876 J.M.Rodwell “The Koran”). In the original Aramaic Syriac, this formula would read “Bismilallaha Rahmana Rhima” as Aramaic Syriac uses the word “Allah” or Allaha” for the English word “God.” Syriac Christians at the time of Muhammad called Jesus as Rahmana (1902 H. Hirschfeld “New Researches into the Composition and Exegesis of the Quran).
Rasul/apostle Muhammad, caliph Abu Bakr, and caliph Umar believes in the Bible as the incorruptible words of Allah. “Say, ‘We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you (in the Bible); Our Allah and your Allah (of the Bible) is one; and it is to Him we bow’” (Quran 29:46). “‘We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes (of Israel), and in (the Bible) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets (of the Bible), from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)’” (Quran 3:84. See also 2:136). “No change can there be in the words of Allah” (Quran 10:64, also 6:34). “If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee (in the Quran), then ask those who have been reading the Bible from before thee” (Quran 10:94).
Please verify all these verses yourself. All it takes is for you to go to the library or bookstore to read the scriptures.
Thus, scripture-wise and historically, all paths lead to Jesus who will bring all to the Father. After checking all the verses, I am sure you will agree that Christianity is the universal religion. Now you know.|||once budhism was a true faith. but from time to time it corrupted and mix with paganism.
the purest faith is islam.
islam spread around the world, west, east, chines, europah, japan aborigin etc|||No,Buddhism is based on negativism.Mass world population can't practice its teaching like renunciation or meditation etc.|||I have respect for Buddhism. I admire Siddhartha Gautama Buddha.|||It doesn't appeal to me - I wouldn't like to have to keep coming back until I had proved myself - that's salvation by works. Thank You Jesus for solving the problem of "unskilful acts"|||ISLAM is natural religion of man kind
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