Friday, September 16, 2011

How does buddhism appear to you today in the world?

I have to do a project on what other people think of Buddhism, (what is your sense of it). Please just tell me what you think.|||Buddhism is not really a religion its more of a philosophy , it teaches you tolerance and understanding of other people's beliefs be it religious or spiritual . To be able to try and live your life without hate and advocate peace . There is no written on paper rules that tells you what a Buddhist is , i find explaining what it is very difficult as it is what you make it . I class myself as a Buddhist , i came to endorse the philosophy whilst living in SE Asia . You look at all religion's and the wars and lives that have been lost because of any particular faith , then look at Buddhism . I hope i have explained well enough what it means to me .|||There are both good things and bad things happening in the Buddhist belief.

The good things are as follows.

This prophecy about the blossoming of udumbara flowers:…

Recently, the Buddhist belief is making a comeback to India. Besides the practice of Buddhism, people are learning a new unique Buddhist sect, Falun Gong.…

China, as a country, consists the biggest number of Buddhists in the world. According to an article written by Preeti Bhattacharji of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Chinese Communist party will not stop persecuting Buddhists.

According to a Chinese university study, 31.4% of all Chinese adults have a religion. The Chinese Communist party approved stated sanctioned religions: Buddhism, Daoism, Muslim, Catholicism, and Protestantism. All religious institutions must register and associate with the five sanctioned religions. Out of all the Chinese religious adults, 67.4% are associated with the state religions.

There are about 5 million Tibetans, and most of them are Tibetan Buddhists. They are not sanctioned and not approved by the Chinese Communist party. The Tibetan Buddhists in the temples are watched and monitored regularly by the Chinese Communist party. They are often sent by force to brain-washing camp.

The role many Buddhists took is peace. Few months ago, the Buddhist monks in Burma held a non-violent demonstration protest last year. The Dalai Lama and many Tibetan Buddhists fought the Chinese Communist party via peaceful demonstration. The FG Buddhists, despite of severe persecution, have persisted to tell the public about the atrocities in China in non-violent manner.

The Anti-Christ in China…|||Its the only religion i agree with it teaches respect and love and peace like when have you ever seen a crazy buddhist gone nuts and kill people in the name of buddha? when have you seen Buddhists start a war? never cause their peaceful people who keep to themselves its the only religion i like, the ones i hate most are: islam,christianity annnnnd possibly wiccans lol oh and scientology(even though its a cult)|||It's a philosophy or religion (that's a whole other topic) that embraces at it's core self reflection and a pursuit of truth.|||I think Buddhism is perhaps the most relaxed and calmed of all the religions. I don't practice it, but i like it.|||Buddhism keep on diversifying as time moves on until its core concepts and practice disappears.|||I think of it as a peaceful religion; beyond that, I don't feel I know enough about it to venture much of an intelligent opinion.|||It's a wonderful religion that teaches good principles.|||Very peaceful and shares many views of my own.|||It is a false religion. Becoming one with the universe or the impersonal all because they have not liberated themselves from their personal world is not the way of the Lord.

God sent Jesus and Jesus is the only way, the only truth and the only life. Yoga is just a branch of Hinduism and Buddhism to cover the darkness and pull one in.

God made us all different and in His image. The Lord did this for a reason and a purpose. Christian missionaries fund the schools and hospitals in India, because the religion is fatalism. When you are one with a rat what compels you to better yourself or to learn the Word of God.

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