Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What are some good ideas for community service for Buddhism?

For part of my research in english, I have to do a certain amount of hours in community service. My topic is Buddhism, but I can't think of anything I can do for community service. Can someone help me out by giving me ideas?|||I'm a little confused by your question.

It sounds as though you maybe under the impression that Community services for Buddhist may defer from...?

Any means of Community services are good despite ones Faith, simply because ALL community service that guides and strengthen its community and its people is GOOD.

From a Buddhist perspective, spreading happiness onto ones community is a good idea. Here are some ways you may consider doing so:

Reading to the blind

Ringing the Salvation Army bell

Participating in a Big Sister, Big Brother program, after school program, tutoring program, elder programs, environmental services, volunteering at a Soup kitchen, Red Cross, a hospice, giving blood...the list can go on %26amp; on.

As a practicing Buddhist myself, from the Nichiren Buddhism (SGI-USA) I share happiness amongst the people in my communities through Shakabuku (propagating the Mystic Law: Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for kosen rufu (world peace) and happiness for all mankind.)

I would be delighted to answer any questions you may have regarding the SGI-USA and Nichiren Buddhism.

Please refer to the website for more information.

Much success to your studies.

(Diffuse Doubt with Determination!)



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