Friday, September 23, 2011

Why can Buddhism be categorized as a universal religion?

Why can Buddhism be categorized as a universal religion?

If you do know, can you corporate the answer with some of the tenets of Buddhism?

Thanks.|||Buddha never intended for his teachings to become an actual religion.

This is explained by the Buddhist saying that "When on your path should you encounter the Buddha kill him" a warning against worshiping the man (or better your illusion of him.)

He was explaining how we could be free of illusion and break the cycle of rebirths.

First he taught the four noble truths.

1. Life means suffering.

2. The origin of suffering is attachment.

3. The cessation of suffering is attainable.

4. The path to the cessation of suffering.

This path is called the Eightfold Path.


1. Right View

2. Right Intention

Ethical Conduct

3. Right Speech

4. Right Action

5. Right Livelihood

Mental Development

6. Right Effort

7. Right Mindfulness

8. Right Concentration

Buddhism isn't about Buddhism and has no evangelical aspect beyond acknowledging that people need to see beyond their illusions to awaken.

Awakening is the point.

/.\|||Many of the Eastern religions allow for practice of multiple religions. There are even atheistic branches of Buddhism. It would be acceptable for a buddhist to also practice Christianity, but not for a Christian to practice Buddhism.|||Most religions could be called "universal".

as long as a system of beliefs is open to all people or intended for all people, it would be considered "universal".|||Because it is not confined to a particular ethnic or cultural group, but addresses its message to any human who would be interested.|||A universal religion doesn't exist. There are thousands of them. If there is more than one, none can be universal.|||i say it is ok.

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