Friday, September 16, 2011

How can Buddhism, the most tolerant and peaceful religion in the world be evil?

Many Christans tell me that Buddhism is evil, but I don't understand how the most tolerant and peaceful religion in the world can be evil. If you look at the history of Buddhism, it's very hard to link it to any wars. Buddhism never damned anybody for having different beliefs. Buddhism believe that you should analyze all belief systems and whatever you believe, it doesn't matter just as long you're a good person. How is that evil?|||There is far more to it than what you claim

Everything is impermanent including the Dharma and Lord Buddha was the fourth Buddha to reveal the Dharma more than 2600 years ago

This world goes through cycles In the time of Lord Buddha it was fairly easy to make progress Even achieving Enlightenment in a single life cycle but as time moves on circumstances change until in this age which is termed The Dharma Ending Age when eventually the Dharma dies out Until the Fifth Buddha comes to reveal it for the fifth time in some future time

In these times we have corrupted Teachers to contend with and please believe me when I say The corruption is far more widespread than many would believe I know many Buddhist Monks who are a disgrace to the Robes that they wear

Eating after midday Handling cash Alone with Females there is quite a lengthy list

So what some Christians are saying to You there is some truth in there Although to term it evil may be a little strong but maybe a Christian would view it in this way

Please don't get me wrong I have been Buddhist for some years and it is my chosen Path which I have no intention of changing

Lord Buddha knowing this time would come left specific Dharma for these different time periods Including this one

Pure Land Buddhism doesn't need the input of a living Teacher If it did I would have failed quite some time ago

When you mention the word Buddhist to many people a certain mental image often comes to mind which may have been true in some bygone age but it is now a very different world today and that image is no longer correct Sadly

So maybe these Christian people you mention may be more Enlightened than we are giving credit for|||Unfortunately, for 10 years I was under the control of a certain bad Buddhist teacher and am still recovering from that. I met some other teachers, but they didn't seem much interested in helping me. I also saw the mentally ill being abused. My advice:Sorry,be very careful who you get involved with.

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|||Buddhism is primary a philosophy that helps its practitioner become aware of the suffering that is present in themselves and in the world and proposes to alleviate that suffering.

Those who call Buddhism evil don't understand Buddhism. Buddhism denounces all dogmatic assertions. Dogma is the ideology to which people cling, creating the differences for which many countries go to war.

It is not the Buddhists in Tibet who cause the war, it is the oppressive Chinese government--one of the worst human-rights violators in the world. The Tibetan monks are merely standing up for their freedoms in the tradition of Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King.

Those who call Buddhism evil would also say the same of Gandhi--a Hindu--who helped to emancipate many millions of minorities from mistreatment.

Some religions say Buddhism is evil because they believe their faith is the only way acceptable to God. This is because their holy books say so and they are afraid to question those books for fear of God's disapproval.|||As with most religions, it is not the religion but the individual person who is evil. Evil does not respect boundaries, and so resides anywhere and in any organization. There are good and bad people anywhere, whether it is within a religion, an office, the govt, a family. People do not always follow the beliefs of their faith. And some people cherry pick particular parts of the religion and ignore the rest. If someone says an entire religion is evil, they are probably ignorant about it, have had|||For some christians, the world works like Christian = good, anything else = evil. Buddhism is anything else.

By the way, before you post things like your brief summary of the history of Buddhism, might be an idea to find a few things out about it - in particular you might want to look into the rather violent Tibetan Buddhist history - yep, their history is a far cry from the popular conception of wise aged monks sitting on the mountains meditating.|||Buddhism is not evil or wrong it just different Being a Muslim I was taught to believe in all of God prophet. As Jesus stated god would give all a message.They don't have to be Christian to be righteous. Most Buddhas I know are very righteous and enlighten people I love the conversation with them it help make me a better human being because they respect all life.|||I like your rhetorical question, Firestar - at least i hope it's rhetorical, lol : )

You know some say that Jesus travelled around Asia Minor during the 18 or so years he is not accounted for in the Bible. The Aquarian Gospel says he came across Buddhism, i believe.

It is possible, as Buddhist monks were reported present in Egypt by the time of the early Christians.

There was even a branch of Jewish Buddhists, the 'Theraputae'.

I don't know if you have heard of the Treaty of Nicea (325AD), where many important teachings were removed from the Bible by a dodgy Eastern Roman Emperor, Constantine, i believe.

These included reincarnation %26amp; karma (cf 'as ye sow, so shall ye reap', what goes around comes around).

There's a reference to this treaty in the film, the Da Vinci Code. Although the film itself is fiction, the treaty is fact.

The Church seems to be trying to hush this up, though, these days.

If you search hard, though, you might still be able to find something truthful about it on the Internet.

Thanks for your question.

__/\__|||Dont know friend.I also dont understand why Christains think like that. Jesus learnt buddhism during his missing period 13-30 by going to India.That's why buddhists concepts can be found in the Bible.

Buddhism is the most peaceful religion in this world. No strict rules.Obiously Chritains want to say that their religion is the best.Let them do that. They ask everything from god.When good things happens they thank god.When bad things happen they blame themselves. Buddhist dont believe in god.We believe in KARMA.Good and bad karma brings good and bad things into your life.Only Buddhism can bring inner peace and happiness into your life.That's why white people in western countries tend to follow this great religion in order to avoid sufferings in this busy world.

Watch this vidio,its about the life of buddha.You will know who Buddha is.…|||To Christains anything that isn't christ centered is evil, encluding some of their own denominations.

I see no point in trying to correct them. Let them believe as they want.

I still can't get over the concept of "bible" believing churches. Don't all Christians believe in the bible?|||i agree 100% with you. christians, jews, muslims, which are 3 of the main religions, and it is known in history that they are the root of all past wars, number 4 being buddhist, there was conflict in vietnam with buddhist, but christian america became involved and created the killing fields|||Jesus and Buddha preached non violence. there are more similarities in the preachings of Jesus and Buddha . the people who told you that Buddhism is evil are not true Christians. Buddhism is one of the religions based on rational thinking.|||It can't.

The ignorant fundies attack everyone, Buddhists just happen to be one they like to attack a whole lot. Fundies hate homosexuals and Catholics even more, so don't feel bad.|||That is why I like Buddhism. It makes more sense that any religion, and Buddhists do not judge other religions.

It is a good thing.|||Anything that disagrees with them and attracts people is evil to them.|||evil according to christianity and their beloved commandments|||Often, what we accuse others of is merely a reflection of ourselves....|||Bro ... it is because we perceive that there is evil and no evil. We must free ourselves from this perception and let it go...|||becuz it rejects God and allows evils and teches you to just accept everything. well, tolerance isn't always the best thing! would you tolerate your son/daughter (hypothetically, idk if you even have kids) stole everyday and beat up the neighborhood kids, maybe killed animals just for the fun of it?|||Zen Buddhism allows war, but Christianity doesn't and Christians don't seem to care. So yeah, your'e right. Buddhism is da best ever.|||Idol worshippers are evil|||I've seen them throw some crazy riots over in India and East Asia. In fact, I think they've been some of the worst.

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