Friday, September 16, 2011

Why is Buddhism called a polytheistic religion?

I am learning all about the different religions in school and I know a polytheistic religion believes in more then one god. Now to my understanding, Buddhism doesn't believe in any gods or godly figures. So why is this religion called polytheistic? Please answer this question if you have any idea, or let me know of a website that has the answer. Thank you!|||Buddhists perhaps don't officially "believe" in gods - but probably a lot of Buddhists do anyway. I think they share a sort of "animistic" sort of religion where gods are in the wind, rain and sunshine. And maybe they sort of think this way - but if you asked them if they thought the Sun was God, they'd say No - not really.

Buddhism is an interesting mix of beliefs.|||Hi!

This answer may be too late.

Buddhism believes that there are higher beings, like devas. Its just that in buddhism we do not depend on them or a god for salvation (though current buddhists do worship devas). We believe in the existence of MANY devas, but do not (ideally) worship them. :)

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|||Yes, Buddhism believes in the existence of Gods (each world system has its creator, the Brahma), gods and other spirits; but doesn't worship these deities (assumes that these deities are irrelevant to one's salvation).

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|||Il Buddismo è costituito per fare si che le religioni si fondano insieme, "Noi siamo ciò che pensiamo" recita una famosa frase di Buddha. E' quindi una religione basata sul culto di un unico Dio, ed ingloba in sè tutte le altre religioni, per questo è detta politeista.

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|||I suppose you can say that Buddhism promotes atheism, but early forms and branch religions have some form of god worship.

As Buddhism moved through Asia, pre-existing religions adapted by fusing with Buddhism.

Basically, gods in Buddhism are considered manifestations of distinct physical elements and mediums from which Buddhists can contribute their physical energies toward enlightenment.|||Buddha is not even suposed to be looked up as a god, but as a spiritual teacher.

But in another case, Buddhism has several buddhas, Siddartha, The Great Chinese Buddha ect.

Buddhist meaning "enlightened one"

I can see where people are getting there info wrong. Again, they are not gods.|||Buddhism is an Atheistic religion.

Buddha is not looked up to as a godly or deity-like figure; he is looked up as a man who provides spiritual teaching, peace, and the ultimate enlightenment.|||early Buddhism rejected the idea of a creator god, but it still incorporated the indian pantheon, there are devas and other supernatural beings such as demons also etc…|||It's actually Philosophy.. I wouldn't understand why your school would say it is Polytheistic. It is obviously not.|||Buddhism by itself is atheistic, no deities are required.|||poly = many

theist =god

many gods

Now you know as much as me%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;HEHEHEHEHEHE|||I would not call Buddhism a polytheistic religion. Some Buddhists believe in one, or many, or no gods at all.|||Maybe you're confusing it with Hinduism?|||What atheist told you that!?|||Hmmm... Yeah, at the least we are pantheists... However, the west does strongly misunderstand a lot of Buddhist concepts and your teacher may be failing to correctly interpret the Buddhist bodhisattva as nothing more than a sentient being. I think bodhisattvas throw a lot of westerners off, unless their catholic I suppose =D. But basically a bodhisattva is a being who has dedicated their life and future lives to the enlightenment of all beings and for those Buddhists who believe in rebirth they believe that the bodhisattva is reborn again and again in order to do so. They are often compared to Catholic saints... very loosely however... So tell your teacher if Buddhism is polytheistic them so is Catholicism. ;)

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